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Your visa

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A visa is a stamp in your passport that authorizes you to visit another country for a certain period of time. Whether you need a visa to study in Saxony depends entirely on which country you come from and how long you want to stay.

If you come from the EU, the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) or Switzerland, you do not normally need a visa. However, it is important that you register with the relevant residents’ registration office after your arrival. If you come from another country but already have a residence title to study in an EU country, you generally do not need a visa. However, individual requirements also apply here. It is therefore best to obtain information from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

If none of these apply to you, you will need either a visa or a residence permit for your studies. There are a number of countries with which entry to Germany is regulated by special agreements. It is therefore best to find out from the German diplomatic mission in your home country what conditions apply to you. Remember to apply for your visa in your home country in good time, as it can take several months to be issued.

The next step is to find out which visa you need. If you have not yet been admitted to study in Saxony, you must apply for a visa for the purpose of applying to university. This is valid for three months and gives you time to apply. However, if you already have a university place, you should apply for a visa to stay for study purposes. This is valid for two years and can be extended if necessary.

Good to know

Applying for a visa is not that difficult as long as you keep a few things in mind:

  1. Make sure you apply in good time.
    The process can take several months and you will not be allowed to enter Germany before receiving your visa.
  2. Apply for a student visa.
    There are different visas. Make sure you apply for a student visa.
  3. Plan your arrival.
    You should not plan your arrival in Germany too late, as you will have to deal with a number of authorities before you can start your studies.
  4. Check your passport.
    Make sure your travel documents are valid to avoid any nasty surprises during your stay in Germany.

In order to apply for your visa, you must also provide proof of funding. This enables you to demonstrate that the standard requirement of approximately 11,208 euros is covered for one year. There are various ways to provide this proof. It is best to find out from the embassy what is possible for you.

  • Your parents submit proof of income and assets.
  • Someone resident in Germany undertakes to pay the costs for you.
  • A security amount is paid into a “blocked account” (Sperrkonto).
  • You provide a bank guarantee.
  • You receive a scholarship from a recognized scholarship provider.

Many prospective students from abroad use a blocked account as proof. The 11,208 euros will then be blocked until you have entered Germany. Make sure you set up the blocked account in good time and have it certified. Once you arrive in Germany, you will have access to your money via your bank.