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If you have successfully registered for a degree programme in Saxony, then congratulations: You are officially enrolled at a Saxon university. You will now receive your student ID card and can attend courses and take exams. Enrolment usually takes place on site at the registrar’s office of the university in question. You will receive your letter of admission by post or email beforehand.

You will also receive written confirmation of your enrolment, a so-called certificate of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). You will need this to apply for a residence permit with the immigration authorities, for example. You will also receive a digital university user ID and an email address. You can use this for various purposes, for example to select your courses. In addition, don’t forget to pay the semester fee, as this is the only way you can start your studies in Saxony. You’ll also have to “re-register” for each additional Semester and pay the corresponding semester fee.