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University of Music and Theatre Leipzig

University of Music and Theatre Leipzig

This is the only place in Germany where you’ll find this much musical tradition: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy founded the first German conservatory here in 1843. Today, the University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig (HMT Leipzig) is one of the most renowned institutions of its kind in Europe. Its graduates often go on to play in first-class orchestras and ensembles, perform as famous actors and actresses, teach in the field of music education, or become academics.

Jazz/pop, string instruments/harp, wind instruments/percussion, piano/conducting, church music, early music, composition, dramaturgy, musicology, drama, vocal studies/music theatre, music education: You can study all these subjects under one roof In Leipzig. HMT Leipzig teaches at the highest international level with a high degree of professionalism and a personal approach.

The approximately 1,100 students are in close and personal contact with each other and receive first-class support from the teaching staff. Most lessons are held individually or in small groups. There are three faculties housed within the four buildings in the green “music quarter”, all of which are well equipped and close to the city centre.

The Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB) and Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) are located nearby. Students have the opportunity to appear on stage in around 600 public events. You can also apply to HMT without a general higher education entrance qualification if you show exceptional aptitude.
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