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Getting around
in Saxony

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As a student, your mind is constantly on the move as you expertly jump from lecture to seminar. But getting around plays an important role outside your mind, too. Simply put: How do you get from A to B in Saxony cheaply, easily, and quickly?

Public transportation

Use the well-developed network of routes and lines in the Free State of Saxony. Trains and trams as well as regional and city buses take you to the stop closest to your destination at frequent intervals.

From the winter semester 2024/25, most Saxon universities offer a so-called Deutschland-Semesterticket. This allows you to travel by bus and train throughout Germany at low cost for the entire semester. But beware: The ticket is not valid on all trains. For Deutsche Bahn ICEs and ICs in particular, you’ll have to buy an extra ticket for your journey.

By bike

Fast, flexible, and free of traffic jams — hop on your bike and be the master of your own mobility. Saxony offers a well-developed network of cycle paths and cycle lanes both in the cities and in the countryside.

If you are travelling longer distances or want to avoid a downpour, you can usually take your bike on buses or trains without any problems (please note: your bike may need its own ticket). There are bike & ride parking spaces at many train stations and in larger cities you can rent a bike using an app. Having your own bike doesn’t have to be expensive either — you can get used bikes for very little money.

And remember: Don’t forget your helmet.

Car sharing and carpooling

Owning a car is prohibitively expensive for most students. If you do need a car, car sharing and carpooling may be a good alternative. Car sharing providers in Saxony usually allow you to book a car online for a certain period of time. Depending on the tariff, you will pay a basic price plus a time and mileage price. Some providers require you to pick up the vehicle from fixed locations and return it there. For others, parking in a public car park is sufficient.


In addition to the notice board at your university or hall of residence, you can find suitable travel companions on online services such as carpooling agencies. Carpooling also reduces the travel costs for all involved. For longer distances, you can also take turns driving.