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No high school diploma, A Levels
or the like? No problem

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Your route to one of Saxony’s universities does not have to be via a general higher education entrance qualification. According to Section 18 of the Saxon Higher Education Act, it is possible to study without this qualification under certain conditions. This applies if you have a professional qualification or have successfully passed an entrance examination, for example.

In a nutshell

  • You have an entrance qualification for studies at a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife).
    This allows you to start studying at a university of applied sciences, at Saxony’s University of Cooperative Education, and generally at other universities of cooperative education.
  • You have a professional qualification.
    If you have your master craftsman’s certificate or comparable advanced vocational training in the bag, you can study at a relevant university after a consultation. If you have completed vocational training and have worked in your profession for at least three years, you can choose certain degree programmes after a consultation and successfully passing an entrance exam.
  • You have artistic talent.
    You can be admitted to artistic degree programmes at universities, academies or colleges of fine arts if you pass a corresponding aptitude test.

The best way to find out what options you have is to contact the university of your choice directly.