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Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

With its broad engineering and technical profile, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) combines study, practice, and application-oriented research. With more than 40 degree programmes ranging from architecture to civil engineering and computer science to social work, it offers around 6,600 students the opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills.

Newly founded in 1992, the origins of HTWK Leipzig date back to 1838 with the former Technical University, the university of civil engineering, and the teaching facilities for librarianship, book trade, and museology. Economics and social work were added in 1992. Most recently, the Faculty of Digital Transformation was founded in 2018.

With its specializations in construction & energy, engineering & business, life science & engineering, and media & information, HTWK Leipzig has a broad positioning — and is very well networked. It works closely with companies from the region, Germany, and Europe. With more than 200 ongoing research projects and third-party funding of currently over 15 million euros, HTWK Leipzig is also one of the strongest research universities in Germany.

With everything in close proximity on campus and thanks to the small seminar groups, students get to know each other quickly. And HTWK Leipzig is an international university: More than 800 of its students come from almost 60 countries, all learning with and from each other. At the same time, around 130 partner universities abroad offer exciting opportunities for students to spend time outside Germany.

Once a month there is the opportunity to meet students virtually. And once a quarter, HTWK Leipzig also organizes a virtual parents’ evening.
degree programmes