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University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing Dresden

University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing Dresden

If you want to work with people, the EHS University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing is the place for you. There are around 850 students at the campus in Dresden-Johannstadt and, since 2020, also at the campus in Moritzburg.

You can choose between 13 interdisciplinary, practice-oriented bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in the fields of social work, nursing, childhood education, Protestant religious and community education, counselling, and social management. The programmes are shaped by small study groups, modern rooms, and a lively atmosphere, and with many part-time options, you can even combine studying and working.

The bachelor’s degree programme in nursing is brand new since the winter semester 2021/22: With intensive, hands-on training and extensive simulation learning, it provides comprehensive preparation for a wide range of activities in the healthcare sector.

The EHS stands for socially responsible, critical, and value-oriented teaching and research with a cosmopolitan and international outlook. The university is state-recognized and is funded by the Free State of Saxony and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony. The EHS is open to all applicants, regardless of religion or belief.
courses of study
Social work, education, care